Urban and Neighborhood Design
Greenform combines Smart Growth and New Urbanist ideas with green building principles. We work with design teams to invigorate neighborhoods with energy efficient buildings, walkable streets, park designs, sustainable municipal infrastructure including district energy systems, storm water management, waste management and transportation diversity.
Carbon Master Plan

Wilshire Center Business Improvement District (WCBID) made the 'cool commitment' in 2007 to reduce its carbon emissions be 80% by 2050. Wilshire Center represents 37 million square feet of office, residential, institutional and retail area. By designing a Carbon Master Plan, Greenform is helping WCBID strategize meeting this goal in three primary ways: - Retrofitting buildings to maximize energy efficiency by 35%
- Reducing vehicle miles by establishing a bicycle sharing program, limiting automobile lanes and increasing pedestrian friendly street-scapes.
- Managing rainwater as a resource and reducing water usage in general in the district.
This plan shows a vision for WCBID in the year 2030 where buildings are retrofitted to include roof-top gardens and solar panels, one-way tertiary streets with bike paths and permeable pavement, and rain planters along primary streets to supplement the stormwater infrastructure.